Mr. Rajesh Surana, Director & Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Rajesh Surana is a versatile global business executive with a unique balance of strategic and operational experience. Mr. Surana has over two decades of work experience in leading multinational Companies. As the CEO and member of the Company’s Board of Directors’, he drives the Company’s strong multicultural and diverse leadership team and leads the development and execution of long term strategies with the goal of increasing shareholder value. He sets the tone from the top to ensure that Health and Safety remains at the centre of the Company activities, the Company’s Code of Conduct is adhered to all the times and all safeguards are in place for the Company to operate with integrity and with sustainable business practices.
Mr. Surana is an undergraduate in Commerce from Delhi University and Fellow Member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India and Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. His detailed profile is included along with the profiles of the Board of Directors.