
Holcim (Strong Structure), a Portland Composite Cement (PCC) complies with BDS EN 197-1:2003, CEM II/B-M (S-V-L), 42.5N standard. The usage of this type of cement started from last few decades in Bangladesh. Holcim (Strong Structure) is suitable for all types of construction works as raw material of concrete and mortar. Being PCC types cement containing PFA & slag, Holcim (Strong Structure) provides long term strength development advantage in concrete.

-HSS gives higher concrete strength (300 to 450 PSI extra) than any general available PCC in Bangladesh.
-Gives long term strength more than 6500 PSI at 90 days.
-Reduces 10% to 15% Cement Consumption resulting in cost saving.
-Offers long term durability be preventing steel corrosion due to lesser chloride diffusion.
-Suitable for concrete strength from 4000 PSI to 4800PSI and the strength can be enhanced by using chemical admixtures.
-Concrete made of Holcim Strong Structure improves cohesiveness of the mix.