
A unique tailor made product that addresses the key problems of water seepage, dampness and water ingress that are of significant concern for home builders. Developed through continuous consumer engagement and research, Holcim Water Protect has been scientifically formulated and customized for the Bangladesh market by leveraging LafargeHolcim‘s Smart Blend Technology. Holcim Water Protect a Portland Composite Cement (PCC) complies with BDS EN 197-1:2010, CEM II/B-M (V-S-L), 42.5N standard.

-HWP is having integral water protect system which cannot be achieved by conventional water proofing.
-Resists the permeation of water due to reduced capillary action, which makes it damp resistant and durable.
-Reduces salt efflorescence as it restricts water transportation through concrete pores.
-Restricts rate of flow of water through its pores hence reduce water leakage.
-Absorbs much less water by capillary action and acts as a corrosion resistant.
-Concrete made of Holcim water protect improves cohesiveness of the mix.