Protecting our employees and stakeholders during corona-virus
At LafargeHolcim health and safety is a core value. In the face of the coronavirus pandemic we have continued to live up to this core value, acting quickly and proactively to protect employees and stakeholders.
Overarching aim and objectives
At LafargeHolcim Bangladesh we aim to safeguard the Health and Safety of our employees and stakeholders as applicable to ensure that the business does not suffer of inadequate planning. Our objectives are:
- Protect the health and wellbeing of our people, their families, our stakeholders through medical preparedness and awareness.
- Maintain and continue business as possible, given the current circumstances within the framework of business continuity planning.
- Protect and strengthen long term relationships with the communities in which we operate.
The Business Resilience Team (BRT)
In early January 2019 LH Group mobilized Business Resilience Teams at Group and country levels to meet this challenge. With the guidance from the group, LafargeHolcim Bangladesh’s BRT team has gradually triggered four alert levels Trigger Action Response Plan (TARP), with specific actions at each deteriorating alert level coordinating with BRT & SCRT team members at different sites. The team is now working on TARP level “S”.
Our Measures
We have put in place a range of measures to ensure adequate Heath & safety standard & also to contain COVID 19. These measures include:
- Procured and stored basic PPEs, Sanitizers and some relevant Medicines as an emergency backup for our Employees.
- Tested our emergency preparedness of evacuation at all our sites considering COVID-19 suspected cases, should there be any eventuality.
- Daily body temperature checks for our employees/ contractors’ employees/ suppliers etc. at all our access points.
- International and domestic travel were banned
- Work from Home was initiated wherever applicable depending on the nature of Job.
- Availability of doctor at different sites as applicable including Corporate Office to support our employees during this crisis period.
- Our team keeps liaison with the Group and National Authority for Epidemiology IEDCR in Bangladesh and National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) in India to get guidelines for managing COVID-19 and communicating with our employees for their ready references.
- A call centre 16319 is dedicated for our employees to get support from Business Resilience, H&S and Medical Care team.
Temperature Check
Isolation Room
Hand Sanitizer
Social Distancing
Awareness Posters
PPE (Medical)
Awareness and information for all employees
Time to time through Corporate Communications, we are communicating with our employees to ensure Heath & Safety standard & generate awareness.